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Best email platform for author newsletters

Reach more readers with Buttondown

Are authors required to have newsletters? No. Is it beneficial for authors to have newsletters? Heck, yes! Newsletters are highly recommended for new and established authors because of the multitude of benefits. Here are the top advantages of email newsletter marketing for traditional and self-published authors:

  • Directly communicate with readers. Readers don’t know anything until you tell them. Newsletters are a perfect platform to update readers on any upcoming book releases, author events, award nominations or wins, book promotions/giveaways, and positive reviews and blurbs.
  • Grow connections and loyalty. Yes, social media is a great tool to connect with readers, but it’s not very personal; fans want to feel valued by their favorite authors, not just a dollar sign. Newsletters allow authors to foster a community and build a loyal fanbase. Answer reader questions. Facilitate discussions. Offer desirable subscriber-exclusive content. Ask for their opinions. Show them the person behind the book. Community breeds loyalty and loyalty leads to author brand growth. Listen to your fans and have fun with it.
  • Take charge. You control your newsletter’s content and publishing frequency, not your publisher! You know your fanbase best. You know what content, updates, and discussions pique readers’ interest. There is also flexibility with how often you send out newsletters. As a writer, this is very valuable. You can work around your writing schedule to ensure those deadlines are met and your editor doesn’t bite your head off. IYKYK.
The most outstanding benefit has been the service provided by Justin, the founder of Buttondown. He has been a partner in the development of the business. We did not expect that when we signed up and it has been the outstanding feature of our development.
David Yeates

Creating an author newsletter is helpful for your brand building. The market is full of reputable email marketing platforms. Why should you choose Buttondown? Glad you asked!

What Buttondown brings to the table:

  • Economical. Buttondown’s affordable pricing plans start at just $9/mo
  • Simple interface for less techy people. Don’t waste time you’d rather use writing your next book trying to figure out a complex system. Buttondown’s intuitive interface is easy to use.
  • Author-friendly tools. Buttondown provides powerful features that make the act of writing great emails and managing a subscriber list as easy as possible for authors with insightful analytics, scheduling, automations, and integrations
  • Fantastic customer service. Proudly a customer-centric company, you are always speaking to real people who are ready to help with any issues that arise––no bots here.


There is value in having a newsletter. It’s one of the few forms of direct communication with your readers which can broaden your fanbase (and increase sales). Buttondown offers an intuitive interface, powerful tools, and superior customer support at an affordable price.

Buttondown is trusted by multiple authors:

  • Kieron Gillen, Notable comic book writer and former video game and music journalist. He is best known for his Marvel comics: The Eternals,Rise of the Power of X, *Immortal X-men,*and more.
  • Charlie Jane Anders, Award-winning author, fiction and fantasy book reviewer, and podcaster. Her works include the Unstoppable trilogy, The City in the Middle of the Night, and All the Birds in the Sky
  • Ed Yong, Pulitzer-winning science journalist and author. He is the author of two New York Times bestsellers: An Immense World andI Contain Multitudes. His writing has also been featured in National Geographic, the New Yorker, Wired, the New York Times, Nature, New Scientist, Scientific American, and other publications.

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Buttondown provides you with the analytics you need to understand your audience and grow your newsletter.

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Apply a tag of "new signup"
Send "welcome to Pokemon Secrets"!
After ten minutes
Send "What's your favorite starter?"
After three days


Buttondown provides you with the tools you need to automate your newsletter, whether it's sending a welcome email or a weekly digest.

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A/B Testing

Test different subject lines, content, and more to see what resonates with your audience

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Today's Dossier


Attach files like PDFs or CSVs to your emails to send to your subscribers.

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Favorite starter?


Buttondown makes it easy to survey your audience and get feedback.

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Customer rating
* Yes, really.

Run by humans

Buttondown isn't a startup; it isn't a 'revolution'. It's just a bunch of people trying to make a tool that makes your life easier.

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Set metadata on your subscribers to allow rich customization & personalization of your emails

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Set tags on your emails & subscribers in order to segment & specialize your audience.

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Buttondown is GDPR-compliant — and then some. I don't collect any data about you (or your subscribers), and Buttondown is the only newsletter provider that starts with analytics turned off by default.

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Set your emails to go out at any date and time you choose.

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No credit card required. Only pay for what you use. Cancel anytime.