
Email, not surveillance.

We don’t do anything weird with your data.

Buttondown has a privacy policy that we’ve tried to phrase in plain English. In short, your data is yours, your subscribers’ data belongs to them, and we don’t collect anything that we don't have to in order to do our jobs.

Buttondown collects IP addresses, open and click events, and email client information – and we only use it for you. If you want to opt out of gathering any analytics about your emails or subscribers, you can. If you want your links to not be tracked, you can. If you want to completely opt out, you can.

Lots of other email businesses use your data as a revenue stream, especially when it comes to your subscribers’ email addresses & inbox usage. We don’t sell anything, because we’d prefer to be paid by you directly, and we think there’s value in treating our customers like we’d want to be treated. Your information is yours & yours alone.

The briefness of this page speaks for itself. Collect what you want – and nothing more.

Buttondown allowed me to remove link tracking from my newsletter, an option very few platforms offered (at least at the time I was looking). In addition to preserving readers’ privacy, it also means they can hover their cursor over the links and see the real URLs, not the obfuscated ones that link tracking requires.
Jeremy Singer-Vine

No credit card required. Only pay for what you use. Cancel anytime.