
Embed Transistor podcasts in your emails

April 12, 2024

One of the most popular requests we get is audio embedding, similar to our image embedding and hosting tools.

While implementing that is quite a ways away — it's a big feature, and frankly a niche one! — we do want to make it easy for people to share audio that they've uploaded on other platforms.

Enter Transistor — a delightful podcast hosting platform that we've integrated with. You can now drop your Transistor share link right into Buttondown and we'll automatically embed the podcast player in your email. Just like other audio integrations we have (such as Soundcloud), Buttondown makes both an "email-friendly" version of the embed and a "web-friendly" version to maximize your subscriber experience without any broken iframes or confused clients.

You can check out our full list of integrations or head over to GitHub to request a new one!

Written by

Justin Duke

Justin Duke is a software engineer, lover of words, and the creator of Buttondown.

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