
Analytics 3.0

March 6, 2024

We rebuilt analytics around this time last year. Now it is time to rebuild it again.

More, better data

Data is cleaner and more consistent — everything you care about can be now viewed as a table, chart, or conveniently dropped down to a CSV for poking around in your tool of choice.

We’ve also added even more data for your perusal, like gross volume (for paid newsletters!), popular links and emails, comments, and browser/country data.

(Plus, as always, we only collect what you tell us to collect. Every single data point in Buttondown is opt-in, so you’re always in control.)

A more detailed, integrated weekly report

The weekly report we launched in June remains the single highest-engagement email we send to authors, but it’s admittedly a bit bereft of information: just new subscribers and new paid subscribers. Hardly a huge swath of information!

So we re-built it to be powered off of the same data that’s in your analytics page; whichever charts and metrics you select in Analytics as most relevant are what get emailed to you every Sunday, too — making it easy to keep track of your newsletter’s growth from the comfort of your inbox.

...and it’s monthly, too.

Almost a third of authors on Buttondown only send once a month, and for these folks a weekly report doesn’t quite make sense.

So we added a monthly variant, too — letting you zoom out a little bit, aperture-wise, while still keeping abreast of your newsletter’s updates.

Updated on

March 6, 2024

Written by

Justin Duke

Justin Duke is a software engineer, lover of words, and the creator of Buttondown.

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