
Filter subscribers by their coupons

February 28, 2024

Smart, savvy authors of paid newsletters use coupons to attract new subscribers and reward loyal ones. But what if you want to see who's using your coupons outside the (somewhat stodgy, confusing) confines of the Stripe dashboard where you created them? Now you can! Buttondown will let you filter your subscribers by the coupons they've used and that are still active, so you can see who's using your discounts and how they're engaging with your newsletter.

An example of the coupon filter in action

(We'll also flag any coupons that a subscriber has in their detail page, too.)

Not using paid subscriptions yet? Well, you should (I mean — only if you want to)! Learn more about it monetizing your subscribers here.

Updated on

February 28, 2024

Written by

Justin Duke

Justin Duke is a software engineer, lover of words, and the creator of Buttondown.

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