
Subscribers can tag themselves

February 19, 2024

You've been able to add custom "subscribe form inputs" to the Buttondown widget for a while now, but today I'm excited to announce that you can now add select-based inputs to your form — meaning that you can let subscribers choose from a range of options instead of just free-form text.

What's more, you can now use these select inputs to tag subscribers with specific tags. This means that you can now let subscribers tag themselves with specific interests, and then use those tags to send targeted emails to specific groups of subscribers:

An example such input

See that "automatically tag?" option? Check that, and on the backend Buttondown does two things:

  1. Create tags for any new options that don't already exist
  2. Create automations that tag subscribers with the options they chose

This is a small but powerful feature that enables a number of pretty interesting use cases:

  1. Interest-based segmentation: Let subscribers tag themselves with their interests, and then send targeted emails to those groups
  2. Language-based segmentation: If you're a multi-lingual newsletter, you can let subscribers tag themselves with the languages they speak
  3. Cadence-based segmentation: Let subscribers choose how often they want to hear from you, and then send emails to those groups at different frequencies

(You might be asking yourself — "okay, cool, but what if they want to change their tags down the line?" — and the answer to that is coming next month!)

Written by

Justin Duke

Justin Duke is a software engineer, lover of words, and the creator of Buttondown.

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