
Discord webhooks are auto-detected and transformed!

July 20, 2023

A common tale of woe:

  1. Service A has outgoing webhook support — it can send a POST request to a URL of your choice.
  2. Service B has incoming webhook support — it can receive a POST request from a URL of your choice.
  3. Service B expects a payload in a different format than Service A sends.

You can use Zapier or similar services to munge the two formats, but that's such a pain.

We've launched support to automatically detect when you're supplying Buttondown with a Discord webhook and munge it into the right format so that you can keep your server up to date with your newsletter's activity. Just spin up a new webhook in Discord, bring it over to Buttondown, and that is it.

Got another service like Discord that you want us to support? Let us know!

Updated on

July 20, 2023

Written by

Justin Duke

Justin Duke is a software engineer, lover of words, and the creator of Buttondown.

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