
Clean up your subscribers automatically!

July 4, 2023

A beautiful toggle, behind which much magic lurks.

It can be a bit of a bummer to have a bunch of what I call "terminal" subscribers lurking around in your subscriber list — people who have unsubscribed, people who have been detected as spammy, people who never confirmed their subscriptions, and so on. They're not doing any harm, but they can make it harder to find the subscribers you're actually interested in.

So, lo! We have a new feature for you: Subscriber Cleanup. It's a toggle that you can find in the Subscription flow section in your settings page, and does exactly what it sounds like: it cleans up your subscribers after thirty days of inactivity. This is a great way to lower your data profile and keep things tidy.

Written by

Justin Duke

Justin Duke is a software engineer, lover of words, and the creator of Buttondown.

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