
Made-for-you share images

June 8, 2023

Buttondown has had the ability to upload a custom share image for your newsletters, if you were willing to design or find one that you wanted to use. For example:

<figure> <img src="/next-assets/img/og-image-example-fudge.jpg" style={{ width: 500, margin: "0 auto" }} alt="A Buttondown newsletter with a custom-made share image." /> </figure>

Today, we’re adding two templates that get automatically filled out based on your newsletter’s name and the subject of your email.

They’ll appear alongside other options for your share image, and you can use them instead of designing your own!

<figure> <img src="/next-assets/img/image-generator.png" style={{ width: 500, margin: "0 auto" }} alt="The new templated share images available in Buttondown's settings. They're prefilled with your newsletter's name and email's subject." /> </figure>

For more of the technical details on how we built this, head over to the accompanying blog post.

Updated on

June 8, 2023

Written by

Ben Borgers

Ben Borgers is a software engineer and student from Boston, Massachusetts.

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