
Debug API requests in the new dedicated requests page

March 10, 2023

Stop me if you've heard this one: you're trying to debug an integration gone awry and you're not quite sure what's going wrong. You see something with a 4XX error in your logs, but you can't reproduce the edge case and are worried that it was something more than a flash in the pan.

Buttondown's had a little requests table squirreled away in the settings page for a while, but it had some limitations: it only showed the last 100 requests, and it didn't let you filter by endpoint or method. (It was also, frankly, ugly.)

So we've moved it to its own page! It has filtering, and pagination, and more room to breathe.

You may never need to use this page — I pray that all your integrations are perfect from the first commit — but if you do, it's there for you.

Check it on out over at /requests.

Updated on

March 10, 2023

Written by

Justin Duke

Justin Duke is a software engineer, lover of words, and the creator of Buttondown.

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