blog, our free tool for improving subscription rate

Our free tool can help you get more subscribers. Did we mention that it's free?, our free tool for improving subscription rate

Earlier this year, I came across an article entitled Sniper Links: How To Increase Your Email Confirmation Rates from the folks over at It sounds a little clickbait-y, but it's both benign and brilliant: when asking folks to confirm their email, try and figure out what email provider they're using (gmail, outlook, and so on) and give them a magic link that opens up the search functionality in those apps.

A few months ago, we shipped this functionality as a little test to see if it was in fact useful.

It was! We saw statistically significant uplift — around 6% — in double opt-in for folks shown the sniper link.

We were so happy with this that we decided to release it as a free tool: (I was a sucker for the clever domain name). It's totally free.

You can use it either as an API call to get a magic URL:


Or as a web component:

<script src="" defer></script>

We support Gmail, Yahoo, Proton, iCloud, Outlook, HEY, AOL, and, which counts for over 85% of the traffic we've seen thus far.

That's it! I hope you like it, and shoot us an email if you have any questions or feature requests.

Published on

October 6, 2023

Filed under

Written by

Justin Duke

Justin Duke is a software engineer, lover of words, and the creator of Buttondown.

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