
What can we learn from Google Domains?

Software may not last forever, but it should last longer than this.

What can we learn from Google Domains?

Google Domains is being sold to Squarespace, per Bloomberg.

This is the latest — the 286th, in fact — in a long line of defunct Google projects.

What are we to do? What lessons can we learn from yet another product — one that was healthy, well-recommended, and perfectly functional — being sold off and abandoned?

No piece of closed-source software can promise to last forever — as Big K.R.I.T. reminds us, forever is a mighty long time, and I think it's fair to treat any promises of "forever" with a good amount of suspicion.

But you can certainly increase the average lifespan of the tools you use by asking yourself a simple question:

Could this piece of software, as it currently exists, stand with its current market and functionality in its current organization for a decade without catastrophe?

This eliminates, for instance, software that runs on a negative cash-flow basis with hopes of stumbling into advantageous unit economics or a new business model somewhere along the way.

This eliminates, for instance, software that represents a 0.0001% component of a company's top-line revenue — if the company has a mandate that all projects must purport to be sufficiently large lines of business or else they're failures.

All of this to say: Buttondown has been a happy DNSimple customer for years on end, and is even prouder to be one today. (Porkbun looks excellent, too.)

Published on

June 17, 2023

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Written by

Justin Duke

Justin Duke is a software engineer, lover of words, and the creator of Buttondown.

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