
Winter update

Hey, it's been a while. We missed you!

Winter update
CloseThis blog post is from 2018. Contents (and screenshots) may be a bit of out date, but we've kept it up out of posterity.

Hello! How are you doing? That scarf looks great on you.

It’s been a while since I’ve checked in. That’s for a couple reasons:

  1. It has been a particularly hectic summer.
  2. And, I suppose, a particularly hectic autumn.
  3. Heck, the winter's been pretty busy too.
  4. Buttondown’s been growing — like, a lot — which means there have been more operational demands that keep me from building features and writing lovely monthly missives to you all.
  5. Writing is, like, difficult, and sometimes I am very lazy.

And, so, yeah — on the surface, not much has changed over the past six months. Below the surface, though, there have been lots of things:

  • Lots of “performance improvements and bug fixes”, to use the App Store parlance. There are slow endpoints and finicky modals that are slightly less slow and slightly less finicky now.
  • Operational scaling; figuring out how to scale my customer support to make sure folks get responses and help quickly and effectively.
  • Some infrastructural changes, including a new customer enrichment provider and a better queuing mechanism.

But as I send this out, it is December, and the Seattle air is suffused with a certain crispness and calm that steers a young man’s thoughts towards feature development. I’m excited to keep working in earnest on stuff that makes Buttondown, you know, better, in the new year:

  • Email templating
  • SoundCloud, Instagram, and CodePen embeds.
  • A better way to view your upcoming scheduled emails
  • Suggested schedule times.
  • Zapier support.
  • Multiple newsletters for a single user.
  • Integration with Google Analytics.
  • The finishing touches on paid subscriptions (sorry to those of you who have been pining for this! Just want to make sure it’s really, really polished.)

This is going to sound hackneyed, but it is a blessing and a joy to work on Buttondown. Y’all are the best.

(And, as always, if you ever have any questions, concerns, or suggestions — shoot me an email!)

(And I promise, the monthly updates will come back in 2019. I missed them.)

Published on

December 2, 2018

Filed under

Written by

Justin Duke

Justin Duke is a software engineer, lover of words, and the creator of Buttondown.

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