
Subscriber sources

A big step towards more comprehensive subscriber analytics.

Subscriber sources
CloseThis blog post is from 2017. Contents (and screenshots) may be a bit of out date, but we've kept it up out of posterity.

Whether you're just curious or want to optimize your pages for subscription, it's important to find out where folks are subscribing from. For that end, we've built out some basic referral tracking to see what page brought subscribers to your site:

This is the first step towards a more comprehensive understanding of subscriber analytics. Some stuff down the pipeline in the semi-near future:

  • Support for UTM tracking as well.
  • Visualization of referrals by source.
  • Digests of new subscribers.

Published on

September 8, 2017

Filed under

Written by

Justin Duke

Justin Duke is a software engineer, lover of words, and the creator of Buttondown.

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